This medal is authorized to replace the NATO medals issued for NATO Operations Joint Forge, Joint Guardian and Amber Fox. The NATO Medal (FRY) and NATO Medal (Kosovo) were previously issued for these operations. Personnel eligible for the award are those who are members of units or staffs as set out in the JOA Combined Joint Statement of Requirements taking part in NATO Balkan Operations in accordance with the qualifying conditions. Entitlement will be acquired by those forces under NATO command or control while in the JOA, and those deployed to the JOA under national command in support of the NATO-led operations. The Balkans JOA is defined as the political boundaries and airspace of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, the Former Republic of Yugoslavia (including Kosovo), the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and Albania, based on the detailed description contained in the SFOR, KFOR and TF Fox Operational Plans. The qualifying service period in the Balkans JOA is 30 days continuous or accumulated service from Jan. 1, 2003 to a termination date to be determined. Aircrew members will accumulate one day’s service for the first sortie flown of any day; additional sorties flown on the same day receive no further credit. This requirement exists for support as well as combat aircraft; support aircraft includes tanker, airlift and surveillance platforms.
Nato Non-Article 5 (OP Balkans) Medal
Select Ribbon