The Joint Service Commendation Medal is a decorated award presented to the United States Armed Forces Personnel who have shown exceptional achievement on behalf of the Defense Agencies or the office of the Secretary of Defense. A bound wreath circles the JSCM with an eagle grasping three arrows and thirteen stars above it with a green background of conjoined hexagons.
- Type:
Military medal (decoration)
- Awarded for:
Heroism, meritorious achievement, or meritorious service
- Presented by:
United States Department of Defense, United States Department of the Army, United States Department of the Navy, United States Department of the Air Force, United States Department of Homeland Security
- Eligibility:
Military personnel only
- Status:
Currently awarded
- Established:
Naval Service: 1943
Coast Guard: 1943
Army: 1945
Air and Space Forces: 1958
Joint Service: 1963 - First awarded:
June 25, 1963